Generating car sales with a small social media account is something a lot of dealerships struggle with, however its a lot easier than people expect. Im going to walk you through the "123" 3 step system on how businesses like "Heritage Cars" grew their account and sold like crazy on social media...
An overlook on the 123 system:
The 3 step system is extremely simple, and can be started with little to no experience on social media marketing... the three steps involved are:
- Social proof & trust building
- Putting yourself in front of the right people
- Converting your audience
1. Social proof & trust building:
Building social proof and trust using content is part 1 in our 3 point sales system.. Showing the people who visit your page that you are THE person to go to is so important and makes a huge difference in digital conversion rate.
If your business can see the huge potential social media offers, then you need a proper content plan in place with many different objectives, some of your posts should pull new views onto your page, while some should advertise certain cars that are popular but all your posts need to build trust and stick to the brand for this 3 system method to work,
Here's our top picks on content your page could use...
- Content involving your salesman
This type of post is going to break the ice between customer and sales person before the meeting even began, making it easier for your team to sell when digital clients meet you in person.
- Content showing deals and offers
When a new person clicks on your page, being able to see all your amazing offers and dynamic range in cars is going to give them confidence that your business has exactly what they need, even if they don't see it straight away.
- Past client testimonials
Pictures of previous car sales & video testimonial's can do wonders for a car page, not only will it get reposted by the person who gave the testimonial but it also shows social proof that you are someone a buyer can trust.
If your page is posting these 3 things regularly you'll have no problem when it comes to converting followers and new page viewers into sales.
2. Putting yourself infront of the right people
Part 2 of the sales system is putting yourself in front of the right people to sell to. One catchphrase I always love to use when talking about this topic is "imagine selling an A5 Wagyu steak in a vegan restaurant". It does not matter one bit how good your products is, being in front of the wrong audience is going to kill your digital conversion rate.
There's multiple methods you can use to grow your account and gain awareness when you're only a small account (learn about organic vs paid content here), however for this 3 point system to work you need to use a gritty cold method we call the "steal all your competition's clients like a crazy person" method, heres how its done...
- First you're going to write a list of all car related businesses that are based in your area.
- Then you're going to go through the followers and follow 40 per day (don't follow over 50 people a day as it flags your account as spam to Instagram)
- Repeat every day, if your page has a follow back rate of 25% then by the end of the week you will have 70 following you who are all interested in buying cars, that's nearly 300 people per month.
This is the easiest way of putting yourself in front of the right audience, and because everyone who is following you recently is interested in cars, Instagram will see this and recommend you to anyone else who seems interested in buying a new car.
3. Converting your audiance
Converting your audience is as simple as when someone follows you back, sending them an A/B tested messages asking if they or anyone they know would be interested in buying a car... yes its that simple and yes it really does work.
123 system simplified.
Lets oversimplify this for the lazy readers... yes we all do it sometimes.
Step 1: make sure you're posting content that will build trust and show proof you have a high quality product.
Step 2: Sell to the right people by using the following of other similar businesses.
Step 3: Convert the people who follow your account back (do not message people who have not followed you back as Instagram will flag your account as spam)
Car traders social media experts only one click away 😉
If you're looking for social media help from automotive social media experts, then book a quick 15 minute meeting with us and will show you everything you'll need to know when it comes to social media marketing.... <---